Miami Homes with Swimming Pools

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Should I buy a Miami home with a swimming pool?

Miami Homes with Swimming Pools

So you want a Miami home with a swimming pool? You'll have plenty to choose from in South Florida. Consider a few things when you buy, though. First, swimming pools are not as valuable as they once were in terms of resale value. You aren't going to add a lot to your home's value if you install one, so you shouldn't pay through the nose to buy a house with one either.

Unlike an investment in a kitchen or bathroom, you won't see a return on the installation of a swimming pool either, so if you really want one, buy a home that has one already. You can also consider lap pools and smaller pools that can offer enjoyment without as much maintenance. Also, try to find one that is surrounded by a screen room. This will make your use of the pool that much more enjoyable.



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